Shadowing Scheme Application

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Apply for the Shadowing Scheme

Parent/guardian: confirm a student's application

Welcome! Please fill out the form below. But first some information about the scheme …

Dear parent/guardian,

Here is some key information about the Shadowing Scheme:

The Shadowing Scheme is a university access scheme designed by current Cambridge undergraduates and run by Cambridge Students’ Union (Cambridge SU).

During the Scheme, participants come to Cambridge, ‘shadow’ an undergraduate mentor who is studying a subject they’re interested in, attend lectures, stay in student accommodation, meet lots of current students at a range of events and activities, and get advice on applying to Cambridge from staff and students.

Participants, or ‘Shadows’ as we call them, will also get the chance to stay in contact with their Mentor after the Scheme, and attend online application and study skills sessions in summer, in order to help them make well-informed, successful University applications.

The Scheme is free to all Shadows, including accommodation and meals.

Each Mentor on the scheme is DBS checked and given a code of conduct, which all participants in the Scheme are required to sign. They also undertake mandatory safeguarding training based on NSPCC Child Protection. All online 1-1 communication takes place on MentorNet which is a monitored platform for their safety. If you have any worries about safeguarding for your child, you can talk to the SU's safeguarding leads at

The Scheme is a fantastic opportunity for your child to experience what it's like to study at Cambridge and we hope that, should they be selected, they will have an extremely enjoyable experience. If you have any concerns or questions, please get in touch.

Best wishes,
Katie and Neith

Cambridge SU Shadowing Scheme Team

This form should be filled in by the guardian once the student has applied.

To fill in this form you must use the student's application ID.
This will be shown automatically when you use the link in the e-mail you got or which the student gave you.

Application ID: *  

This section asks for various information for the application. Those fields marked with a * must be completed.

We require your phone/e-mail address so that the application can be verified if necessary.

Your name: * E.g. Ms Sam Smith
Your e-mail address:  
Contact phone number (day): *  
Contact phone number (evening):  
Name of second contact (to be used in emergency only): *  
Emergency contact number (day): *  
Emergency contact number (evening):  
Was your child eligible for Free School Meals before Year 12?: * See Eligibility criteria
Parent/Guardian 1: Occupation/job: *  
Parent/Guardian 2: Occupation/job:  
Qualifications of: Parent/Guardian 1: *  
Qualifications of: Parent/Guardian 2:  


This section asks you to confirm your details.
Consent: *
DOUBLE-CHECK the details above.: *

* Items marked with an asterisk [*] are required fields and must be fully completed.