Shadowing Scheme Application

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Apply for the Shadowing Scheme

Code of conduct

This Code of Conduct is intended to ensure everyone who takes part in the Shadowing Scheme gets the most out of the experience, knows what is expected of them and feels safe and respected during the residential and online elements.All Shadows must sign up to the expectations outlined in the Code of Conduct in order to confirm your participation in the Scheme.

Failure to meet the expectations outlined below will result in an individual being removed from the Scheme (see below for more information).

During the Shadowing Scheme, you should:

  • Treat all participants, Mentors, other volunteers and staff with respect.
  • Take responsibility for your own behaviour
  • Talk to your Mentor and/or SU staff member about any thing that worries or concerns you
  • Follow this code of behaviour and others rules (including the law)
  • Use the accounts assigned to you to participate in the Shadowing Scheme only for the purposes of the scheme.
  • Report any concerns about inappropriate or abusive behaviour, including use of inappropriate language, discrimination, harassment or bullying to Cambridge SU at

Appropriate behaviours:

  • Do not be disrespectful, bully or behave in a way that could be intimidating to anyone else.
  • Do not consume alcohol or visit any drinking establishments whilst participating on the Scheme.
  • Do not smoke or use or be under the influence of illegal substances.
  • Do not contact your Mentor or any other volunteer on the Scheme outside of the platforms specified for use in the Shadowing Scheme.
  • Do not share your contact or social media details, or details of any other participant or volunteer, including full names.
  • Do not comment on social media posts relating to the Shadowing Scheme.
  • Do not share details of how to access Shadowing Scheme events or activities to allow others who are not participating to access events themselves.

What happens if I break this Code of Conduct?

  • Minor or first-time incident
    • If you behave in a way that doesn't follow our Code of Conduct, our staff and volunteers will remind you about it and ask you to change your behaviour.
    • This gives you the chance to think and to plan how you could behave differently, with support from SU staff.
  • Formal warning
    • If you continue not to follow the Code of Conduct after your first reminder, or if your behaviour is more serious, you will be given a formal warning by SU staff.
    • A record will be made about what happened and inform your school and parents or carers if it is inappropriate. The SU staff member will also talk with you about what happened and agree what support you need to improve your behaviour moving forward.
    • We might also decide that further steps should be taken, such as restricting you from further participation in the Scheme.
  • Final warning
    • If the support we have put in place isn't helping you to change your behaviour, we might need to give you a final warning. Again, this will be recorded and we'll inform your school and parents or carers as appropriate.

If the behaviour is more serious it may result in your immediate removal from the Shadowing Scheme.

Child protection procedures

If any member of staff or volunteer becomes concerned that your behaviour suggests you might be in need of protection or that you might present a risk of harm to others, they will follow our child protection procedures. This might result in a referral to the local authority.

If child protection procedures are necessary we will talk this through with you and your parents as soon as possible, unless doing so would put you in danger or interfere with a police investigation.

If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct please email